Cheap April Flights

April--a great time to fly!

You know what they say: April showers bring May flowers. Early springtime is known for its wet and gloomy days, but that doesn’t mean you should hole yourself up inside until the sun starts to shine. A little rain never hurt after all, so why not venture outside and enjoy nature’s showers? Book a trip out of town and soak up the rainy season somewhere new, or better yet, take a vacation to a place that’s free of rain. With our cheap flights in April, not only can you afford a little spring getaway, but you’ll also have plenty of leftover cash to splurge on a fancy new umbrella—just in case.

April flight deals Here at Expedia, we understand what it means to travel within your budget. High prices shouldn’t get in the way of you exploring the world, visiting your family, or making new friends, and that’s why we offer April flight deals that help keep costs low. Check out our airfare to find discounts on the places you’ve been dreaming of visiting. It’s easy to browse through the options and score some of the lowest rates around. Your trip isn’t going to book itself, so reserve your cheap April flights today and let the vacation countdown begin.".

Cheap Flights in April FAQs

Is April a cheap month to fly?

Depending on where you want to go, April can be a very cheap month to fly. The summer season is still a little way off, so plenty of sunny spots offer pound-pleasing deals. Right now, there are fantastic April flight deals. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms may apply.

What are the cheapest flight destinations in April?

With temperatures rising and prices yet to catch up, April is the perfect time to hop your way across the Greek islands. With a cheap flight to Corfu, you can take in the charm of the old town and the beauty of its beaches ahead of the madding crowds. For a more tropical trip, pick a bargain flight to Bali and embrace your spiritual side with yoga on the beach before Butterfly Pea Martinis at the bar. For less beach and more bustle, set your sights on the city with a cheap April flight to Rome– you’ll never forget a trip to the Eternal City.

With temperatures rising and prices yet to catch up, April is the perfect time to hop your way across the Greek islands. With a cheap flight to Corfu, you can take in the charm of the old town and the beauty of its beaches ahead of the madding crowds. For a more tropical trip, pick a bargain flight to Bali and embrace your spiritual side with yoga on the beach before Butterfly Pea Martinis at the bar. For less beach and more bustle, set your sights on the city with a cheap April flight to Rome – you’ll never forget a trip to the Eternal City.

In a few clicks of your mouse, you’ll be foraging through our very best April flight deals. Enter your desired destination, your preferred dates and number of travellers and hit search. Now sort your results by price or filter by budget to see the most penny pleasing.

Will flight prices drop around Good Friday and Easter Monday?

We love a bank holiday in the UK, so you can be sure plenty of people will be packing their bags for an Easter break. That’s why prices tend to go up around this time of year. But if you’re flexible with your travel dates and destination, you’ll still find fantastic April flight deals. Consider travelling a few days either side of the Easter festivities or flying with a stopover to bring prices tumbling.

Can I book flexible April flights with Expedia?

You certainly can. Whether you pay a fee or not is another matter – many airlines now let you switch flights for an extra charge. To find free flexibility, use the no change fee and no cancel fee filters in your search. Some airlines allow free cancellations within 24 hours of booking, so be sure to check the policy of your preferred provider. You can view and alter your flight information in your Trips section.

Why should I book April flights with Expedia?

With an incredible inventory of amazing April flight deals all in one place, it’s super simple to see the world in spring. In just a few clicks, you can find and book flights to many a far-flung place and plenty nearer home, too. In just a few more, you can bundle your accommodation and car hire in with your airfare for a brilliant bargain booking.

Terms and Conditions:

Flight prices quoted are per person based on return flights, inclusive of all taxes. Additional baggage charges may apply to flights, including flights with low cost airlines. Prices displayed are for flights on the specific dates shown. Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice. Please click through to individual deals to confirm prices, availability and applicable terms and conditions for those deals. Prices are updated regularly and are accurate when published. Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.