Travel deals + holiday ideas

Made to Travel: Inspiration and deals for your next journey

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How do you get great hotel deals? 
Use the search wizard to instantly view some of the best holiday deals available. With Expedia's discounted hotel room offers, you can land huge savings on your stay and head off on holiday for less. Join Expedia Rewards to get instant access to member-only hotel rates and start saving on hotel getaways. You'll also enjoy exclusive perks, like late check-out and free room upgrades. 
What are our member-only hotel deals? 
Our member-only cheap hotel deals are exclusive discounts for Expedia Rewards members. You can sign up for free and get instant access to some of the best cheap rooms when you see the yellow Member Price tag. As a member, you’ll also earn points on every eligible booking that you can use to save even more on future trips. 
How can I save money on my hotel booking? 
Join Expedia Rewards to tap into member-only hotel deals and you could save an average of 15% on your stay. Look out for the yellow Member Price tag when you browse Expedia's hotel offers using the search wizard. To save even more, consider being flexible with your dates and travelling in the low season when hotels are cheaper.  
Where should I book a hotel for my next holiday? 
Grab a cheap all-inclusive holiday to Cancun for a sunny escape that combines relaxation and culture. Explore the Mayan ruins in Tulum, the world-famous Chichen Itza pyramid and unwind on the Caribbean beaches. For an adventure that's closer to home, score a last-minute hotel deal in Paris with Expedia. Climb the Eiffel Tower and take a stroll down the idyllic Seine river that runs through the heart of the city. Wherever you choose to jet off to, you'll find the cheap accommodation you're looking for on Expedia.  
How can I find a hotel on a budget? 
Expedia's handy search filters let you set a maximum price when searching for budget travel deals. Enter your budget per night to instantly see all available travel offers within your budget. It's a good idea to be flexible with your dates and travel at less busy times of year when hotels cost less.  
How can you get the cheapest hotel prices? 
Being flexible with your dates and travelling during the low season are some of the best ways to get cheap hotel offers. You can sometimes land last-minute hotel deals when booking close to your check-in dates. Join Expedia Rewards for free to access member-only travel deals on thousands of hotels.   
How can I get hotel discounts? 
Join Expedia Rewards for free to gain access to thousands of discount hotel rooms and member-only savings. On average, you could save 15% on hotels each time you see the yellow Member Price label. If you book close to your check-in dates, you may be able to bag a last-minute hotel deal.  
How can I find last-minute hotel deals? 
Enter your dates and destination into the search bar to find cheap last-minute hotel deals at the click of a button. Look out for the yellow Member Price tag to grab even more travel discounts. If you're not sure of your destination, browse the website for inspiration and to see late holiday deals. Finding cheap last-minute holidays is easy with Expedia. 
Can I cancel my hotel booking with Expedia? 
If your plans change, you can cancel your Expedia hotel booking by logging into Trips. Each hotel offer has its own conditions, so it's a good idea to check the cancellation policy before booking. When searching for hotels, select the 'fully refundable' filter to see the most flexible options.
Why should I book my hotel with Expedia? 
Expedia gives you access to some of the best priced hotels as well as some of the best holiday deals. The Search Wizard lets you compare thousands of travel discounts at the click of a button, while the handy search filters make it easy to hone in on a deal. You can join Expedia Rewards for free to unlock even more savings and enjoy member's exclusive perks. Grab a cheap hotel room and jet off on your dream holiday with Expedia.

Terms and Conditions

These offers are available to Expedia Rewards members and Expedia app users.
The discount will be applied to the price of selected hotels (excluding applicable taxes and other fees).
Prices displayed include the promotional discount and are per room, per night, based on two people sharing a room.
Blackout periods may apply and a minimum hotel stay may be required.
Please check individual hotels for details. Offers are subject to limited availability and may be discontinued without notice.
Expedia’s usual booking terms and conditions apply.
Promoter: Expedia Inc., 1111 Expedia Group Way W., Seattle, WA 98119, USA.