Passport, Visa and Immunisation requirements for your journey

It is vital that you check passport and visa requirements as well as any immunisation guidelines for the countries you are travelling to (and through!) as early as possible as processing necessary documentation can take some time.

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office website has up-to-the-minute travel advice for your destination and will offer guidance on everything from health and immunisation to passport and visa requirements. You will even find handy tips on local laws and customs as well as crucial information on currency and navigating through your arrival airport.

A dedicated Passport and Visa Service for Expedia customers

We appreciate that ever changing passport and visa requirements can add an element of frustration to booking your holiday. That’s why Expedia has arranged a new partnership with VisaCentral, a CIBT company, who will advise exactly what documentation is required for your trip and provide step by step instructions on how to apply for a visa. For a fee* they will even apply for a visa or passport on your behalf, allowing you to avoid any queues at the local embassy or consulate. VisaCentral** offer a full range of services including visas to over 200 countries, passport applications and renewals, legislations, translations and more all backed up by an online tracking system.

Don’t delay, check your documents today!

*VisaCentral will charge a fee for the processing of your application. Full details of their fees can be found on their website. ESTA’s and ETA’s can also be obtained for a lower fee by applying directly with the US and Australian governments respectively, however they won’t provide live assistance or automatic notification once the visa has been approved.

For more information please visit the appropriate government website below:

Please note that ESTA’s can take 1–3 working days to process, so please allow time before you travel

** On selecting the “Get a Visa” link, you will be directed away from the Expedia site to the VisaCentral website where their terms and conditions will apply.