We’ve got 99 attractions, but Brits haven’t been to one… 

Research reveals Brits are missing out on UK attractions right on their doorsteps 

Despite the UK’s top attractions drawing in millions of tourists each year, the majority of Brits have not discovered some of the bucket list destinations on their own doorsteps, according to new research amongst 4,000 Brits from a global expert in family holiday rentals, Vrbo®. 

Even after a period which has seen staycations surge as international travel has been off the cards, Brits are still missing out on some of the country’s wonders. The research by Vrbo revealed that despite the UK’s number one attraction, the British Museum drawing in 6.2 million visitors a year from all over the world1, less than a third of Brits have actually visited. It was a similar picture for other iconic London destinations such as the Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral – two of London’s biggest attractions, which remained unvisited by a majority of Brits (57% and 70% respectively). 

It’s the same story for destinations outside of London. Only three in 10 said Shakespeare’s birthplace in Stratford-Upon-Avon was somewhere they had previously visited – despite the town reeling in up to six million visitors from around the globe each year2. And Brits are even missing out on popular family friendly attractions like Chester Zoo, with just over a quarter of Brits having visited, despite being the third most visited paid for attraction in the UK3

Topping the list of overlooked attractions in the UK was Anglesey Abbey, with less than 3% of respondents saying they had visited the National Trust property on the outskirts of Cambridge. With the iconic university city receiving approximately 8.2 million visitors nnually4, it’s surprising to see that holidaymakers are not exploring what else there is to see and do nearby. 

Undiscovered stars of the screen: 

The research also revealed that many Brits haven’t even heard of some of the UK’s most recognisable attractions. The surprising findings showed that the settings for some of the UK’s best loved TV shows and films are largely undiscovered. Lacock Abbey, the set of the first two Harry Potter films, known for its ‘Hogwarts’ corridors, was one of the least known attractions in the UK, with a mere 13% of respondents having heard of the iconic filming location. 

Cliveden House, recognisable as the setting for scenes in films such as Sherlock Holmes, as well as the location for ‘A Very British Country House’ was also widely unknown by 84% of Brits, despite Meghan Markle spending her last night there before marrying Prince Harry! 

Natural beauty hotspots: 

The UK isn’t short of breath-taking scenery, but many of us have never explored the natural beauty and wonders the country has to offer. Vrbo’s research revealed however that more of us are waking up to the great British outdoors; when asked which domestic attractions they would consider adding to their bucket list, all of the top 10 chosen by Brits were in fact natural wonders across the whole country. 

Despite being one of the least visited destinations by Brits, the magical Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye in Scotland came out on top as the number one place we would consider adding to our bucket lists to visit, with 8 in 10 respondents expressing their desire to visit the enchanting destination. The Blue Lagoon in Abereiddy, Wales was another popular choice as somewhere Brits would like to visit (84%), despite being the third least visited attraction in the UK, according to the research. 

Other wish list attractions included Dorset’s impressive Jurassic Coast, and the Cheddar Gorge Caves in Somerset, all offering stunning views and impressive land formations. 

The top UK attractions Brits would consider adding to their bucket list:

Karen Mullins from Vrbo said: “We are so fortunate to have such a vast variety of incredible attractions to visit in the UK, and there’s never been a better opportunity to get out and explore the country we live in. With 4 in 10 Brits revealing they haven’t yet planned any trips for 2022, perhaps it’s time to start researching the local area to make sure upcoming trips are full of unforgettable memories and interesting places to explore! We want holidaymakers to create their very own bucket lists of places to visit. With family friendly attractions all across the UK, you may be surprised at just how many are free of charge too”. 

Looking for the best UK holidays for families? Vrbo’s Bucket and Spade List is here to help you make memories that last you and your family a lifetime.

Methodology survey research: 

An online survey was conducted by 3Gem among a total sample size of 4,000 adults in the UK. The research fieldwork took place in August 2021. 3Gem is an independent global market research agency. Sample sizes were split into two parts for Q1-3, with 2,000 respondents.


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